To quickly and efficiently install contemporary lighting and essential fire-safety systems that enhance the streamlined interiors of each new residence in this development.
Planning in place. Development in progress. Lumi-Plugin® has been specified to provide the lighting and essential fire safety systems for the Stonegate Homes property on Oxford Road, just outside Reading town centre.
With our products designed to accelerate installation, and proven ability to move quickly to avoid delays, our team is thrilled to be able to fulfil the orders that will help this project stay on track and on time.
All 26 residences, over 5 floors, will be fitted with Lumi-Plugin® Downlighting and plugins including Lumi-Smoke®, Lumi-Heat® and Lumi-Sprinkler®. Each modular unit will be expertly positioned and installed to create the desired contemporary, streamlined finish with comprehensive fire safety systems concealed in the centre of each light.
Surrounded by lush, green countryside, all homes are inspirationally named after tree species, including Sliver Birch House, Chestnut House, The Elm and The Hawthorn.
Company No. 9152482
VAT No. 216081829